Monday, April 8, 2013

Gun Control: Obama Hopes To Pass Senate Bill With The Help Of Sandy Hook Parents

President Barack Obama is starting a campaign in favor of tougher gun laws to prevent a filibuster of the Senates gun control bill. He'll get back from Washington, D.C., from Connecticut Monday bringing with him eleven parents of the children shot to death at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December. The White house has stated that lawmakers have a responsibility to vote on each of the gun control proposals.

Obama held an emotionally strong gun safety speech last month and stated: "Shame on us if we've forgotten, I haven't forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we've forgotten"

The Senate's gun control bill if passed could include extended background checks, implement harsher penalties for straw purchasers and improve school safety without having every teacher armed with a firearm like the NRA suggested. Whether the bill will pass the Senate is in question as a trio of Republican senators who originally planned to filibuster the Senate Democrats has grown to approximately a dozen.

Walsh, Susan. President Barack Obama looks at Nicole Hocklys and her husband Ian, right, after she introduced him at the University of Hartford in Hartford, Conn., Monday, April 8, 2013. The Hockley's lost a child in the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtoen, Conn. Obama said that lawmakers have an obligation to the children killed and other victims of gun violence to act on his proposals. The University of Hartford. 2013

John McCain is a top Republican in the Senate out of Arizona and he does not support a filibuster.

“I don't understand it,” he said Sunday on CBS' Face The Nation. “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand. ...I don't understand it. What are we afraid of? Why would we not want, if this issue is as important as all of us think it is, why not take it on the world’s greatest deliberative -- that’s the greatest exaggeration in history, by the way -- but, you know, why not take it up an amendment and debate,” he added. “The American people will profit from it. I do not understand why United States senators want to block debate when the leader has said that we can have amendments."

A number of states have pass stern legislation making it more difficult for guns to end up in the wrong hands since the Sandy Hook shooting. Only time will tell if it goes any further then that.

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