Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jesus & Mary Make Impression on Brownback's Bill

The governor of Kansas, Sam Brownback signed the state’s far-reaching anti-abortion bill on Friday. He was surrounded by a smiling group of pro-life onlookers at a statehouse ceremony. Relative to the photo of the bill after being signed on the table by the AP, the words “JESUS + Mary” are scribbled across the top of the governor’s notes on the actual bill. Some of the expressions Brownback used just before signing include, “Building a culture of life” and “All human life is sacred”; such slogans can be found handwritten at the bottom of the bill. This bill in particular is one of the most heavily binding pre-legislative bodies in American history. It forbids abortion providers from receiving any government funding or tax breaks, and defines life at the moment of fertilization. Are we shocked since Brownback is avidly pro-life? (Remember, this was the guy who was ready to tax rape victims seeking abortions last year). Most of the bill will go into effect in July, while the tax portion starts during 2014. Brownback's staffers didn't respond to the AP's request for more details about the notes. Kansas is one of eight states announcing that life begins at fertilization. Other states running in the same direction are Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio.

Wardell, Richelle. Keep Abortion Safe And Legal. Washington DC. 2013     

Feminists, as well as abortion rights advocates, among millions of others insist that a woman’s right to freedom of choice and her own autonomy needs to rule over a fetus’ right to life if we are to going achieve civil equality. In writing the plurality opinion, in 1992, the Supreme Court maintained a woman's fundamental right to abortion. Justices Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter support this belief: “The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated in their ability to control their reproductive lives.” The argument is that an unwanted pregnancy can often significantly prevent a woman’s ability to complete school, work, and maintain financial independence. The courts emphasize that education and job rights are strongly guarded by the Constitution, and in order to benefit from these opportunities, women must be in charge of their own reproduction.

Let’s look at Brazil, for example, where abortion is illegal. A motion was passed to create a “pregnancy registration” to make the enforcement of abortion laws “more manageable”. This motion calls for investigations of individuals’ households and personal lives if a child is not born. Assume the US enacts similar laws regarding fetus accountability while criminalizing abortion. What would the outcome be if an innocent woman turned convicted felon due to abortion laws, in actual fact wanted her child but her pregnancy ended in miscarriage? How does one explain a vulgar invasion of privacy in such an investigation? How would one combat the social stigma that would surround her “abortion”? What would you say to this woman who, devastated by her miscarriage, is now wrongfully classified as a criminal? Additionally, how can one justify this invasion of privacy when an illogical “invasion of privacy” such as background checks for gun-owners in America isn’t justifiable? If “America” sees conducting background checks on gun-owners incriminating, background checks on expecting mothers is suggesting that all mothers are potential felons. This scenario is one example among many of the slippery slope fallacies offered by pro-lifers for the ban on abortions.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Two Dead, Approximately One Hundred-Thirty Injured From Boston Marathon Bombing

It all happened near the finish line in Boston. Two bombs exploded in the streets killing two people, (including one eight-year-old child) and injuring more than one hundred people. Authorities state that it was a brutal scene of shattered glass, bloodstained pavement, and severed limbs. President Barack Obama made a commitment that those responsible will "feel the full weight of justice."
Police said they have no one in custody as of yet and authorities in Washington also stated there was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Krupa, Charles Medical workers aid injured people at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon following an explosion. Boston. 2013

 "They just started bringing people in with no limbs", said one of the runners in the marathon, Tim Davey, of Richmond, VA. He said he and his wife, Lisa, tried to keep their children's eyes covered from the horrifying episode inside a medical tent that had been set up to care for tired runners, but "they saw a lot."
"They just kept filling up with more and more casualties", Lisa Davey said. "Most everybody was conscious. They were very dazed."
The blasts took place almost at the same time about 100 yards apart, knocking bystanders and at least one runner off their feet. Windows shattered and thick clouds of smoke rose over the street and throughout the flags lining the course. 

About 23,000 runners participated in this year’s Boston Marathon. It is said to be one of the world’s oldest and most respected marathons in the world. 
Obama declared, "We still don't know who did this or why. Make no mistake: We will get to the bottom of this."
At the same time, only a few miles from the finish line, a fire broke out at the John F. Kennedy Library. The police commissioner said a flammable device may have started it and that it didn't seem to be related to the bombings. 
The Boston Marathon recognized the victims of the Newtown, Connecticut massacre with a distinct mile marker in the race. Boston Athletic Association president, Joanne Flaminio said there was a "special significance" to the fact that the race is 26.2 miles long and 26 people died at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

John Kerry: Missile Launch Would Be A Huge Mistake

   Jin-Man, Lee. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, answers reporters' question as South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-    se listens during a joint press conference at Foreign Ministry. South Korea. 2013

John Kerry, Secretary of State delivered a firm warning on Friday telling Kim Jong-un North Korea will not be acknowledged as a nuclear power. Kerry said a North Korean missile launch would be a “huge mistake” and echoed that the United States would defend its allies if they had to. He also cautioned Pyongyang that launching a medium range missile would be a “provocative and unwanted act”.

Kerry says, “Kim Jong-un needs to understand, as I think he probably does, what the outcome of a conflict would be. Our hope is we can get back to talks. The rhetoric that we are hearing from North Korea is simply unacceptable by any standard. The United States will, if needed, defend our allies and defend ourselves”.

North Korea had two medium range missiles fueled and ready to launch on America’s east coast on Friday. However, there is no increased movement or pursuit by North Korea’s military that would indicate a rocket launch.  South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Kerry met on Friday for their first discussion on the rumors circulating about the uncertainty and capabilities of North Korea’s military.

EPA,The Musudan missiles, named after the north-eastern village they are based at, are believed to have a range that could reach Guam. 2013

Friday evening, South Korea and the U.S. announced a mutual statement:

The 60-year alliance between the United States and the Republic of Korea is crucial for security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The United States reaffirms its commitment to the defense of the Republic of Korea in the wake of recent unacceptable provocations by North Korea.
Both sides agree on the importance of the denuclearization of North Korea, knowing that North Korea's dangerous nuclear and missile programs threaten not only its neighbors, but also its own people.
The United States stands vigilantly by the Republic of Korea's side, and is prepared for and capable of defending and protecting itself and its allies. Both of our countries are taking prudent measures - both military and diplomatic - to enhance our security. At the same time, the two countries remain committed to the goal of peaceful denuclearization. In this context, the United States welcomes the Trust-building Process on the Korean Peninsula proposed by President Park Geun-hye.
We will continue working with all Six-Party partners and the international community to make clear that North Korea must adhere to its international obligations and commitments or face further isolation. We will continue to encourage North Korea to make the right choice. If North Korea does so, we are prepared to implement the commitments under the 2005 Six-Party Joint Statement. But Pyongyang must prove its seriousness by taking meaningful steps to abide by its international obligations. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Gun Control: Obama Hopes To Pass Senate Bill With The Help Of Sandy Hook Parents

President Barack Obama is starting a campaign in favor of tougher gun laws to prevent a filibuster of the Senates gun control bill. He'll get back from Washington, D.C., from Connecticut Monday bringing with him eleven parents of the children shot to death at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in December. The White house has stated that lawmakers have a responsibility to vote on each of the gun control proposals.

Obama held an emotionally strong gun safety speech last month and stated: "Shame on us if we've forgotten, I haven't forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we've forgotten"

The Senate's gun control bill if passed could include extended background checks, implement harsher penalties for straw purchasers and improve school safety without having every teacher armed with a firearm like the NRA suggested. Whether the bill will pass the Senate is in question as a trio of Republican senators who originally planned to filibuster the Senate Democrats has grown to approximately a dozen.

Walsh, Susan. President Barack Obama looks at Nicole Hocklys and her husband Ian, right, after she introduced him at the University of Hartford in Hartford, Conn., Monday, April 8, 2013. The Hockley's lost a child in the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtoen, Conn. Obama said that lawmakers have an obligation to the children killed and other victims of gun violence to act on his proposals. The University of Hartford. 2013

John McCain is a top Republican in the Senate out of Arizona and he does not support a filibuster.

“I don't understand it,” he said Sunday on CBS' Face The Nation. “The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand. ...I don't understand it. What are we afraid of? Why would we not want, if this issue is as important as all of us think it is, why not take it on the world’s greatest deliberative -- that’s the greatest exaggeration in history, by the way -- but, you know, why not take it up an amendment and debate,” he added. “The American people will profit from it. I do not understand why United States senators want to block debate when the leader has said that we can have amendments."

A number of states have pass stern legislation making it more difficult for guns to end up in the wrong hands since the Sandy Hook shooting. Only time will tell if it goes any further then that.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Now More Than Half of Americans Believe Marijuana Should Be Legalized

A new survey shows that 52 percent of Americans say that marijuana should be legalized, and we agree with them. Let's go over some facts before we start: Alcohol abuse kills 100,000 people a year. Tobacco kills 400,000, and legal prescription drugs kill 20,000 people a year. Marijuana kills zero. The most common problem when it comes to pot is overuse, which can lead to sluggish behaviour, though it won't cause any significant health problems. Its doesn't cause brain damage like alcohol does, nor does it cause genetic damage, harm to the immune system or lead you to take other drugs like we are made to believe. It can cause bronchitis but the chance of contracting it from casual use is minute. If we were to legalize it, we would save roughly $41.3 billion per year in government expenditures on enforcement of prohibition. $25.7 billion would arise from state and local governments, while $15.6 billion of federal government spending would be generated back into the US economy. Approximately 8.7 billion of the savings would result from legalizing pot. 

    Dave, Lobby. Marijuana plants in the Sierra de Juarez in Ensenada Mexico. Ensenada Mexico. 2013     

We find the laws pertaining to marijuana dated and irrational when researching the truth. The fact of the matter is that people are dying everyday from drug cartels. Additionally, legalizing marijuana would create an incredible number of jobs and would bring farming, local and privately owned stores as well as manufacturing facilities back to America. 

We think back to when marijuana legalization polls showed that votes were nowhere near half as high as they are now. Now, we're at 52 percent and still going up. We hope in this lifetime we will have the freedom to enjoy the culture and health benefits that this plant has to offer without the harassment of government authorities and and religious fanatics. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The NRA Wants Guns In Your Schools

      Mallin, Jay. Gun violence protesters march on NRA lobbying offices. 2012. Capital Hill, Washington, D.C. 2013

Former Rep. Asa Hutchison (R-Ark.) issued a 225 page report on school safety funded by the National Rifle Association. The report endorses trained armed employees to come up with an "important layer of security in schools." A 12 person task force prepared a report naming it the School Shield Program led by Hutchison. During the press conference on Tuesday, he said that it's findings were independent of the nation's biggest gun lobby.

"Teachers should teach, but if there is personnel that has interest and is willing to go through 40 to 60 hours of [firearms] training, then schools should be willing to [arm them]," Hutchinson said. He added that the report found that "local school authorities are in the best position" to determine their own school security measures, "specifically whether an armed security guard is necessary and supported by the education and citizen community."

Aidenator. Columbine in Black and White. 2006. 2013

On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 12 students and one teacher at Columbine. On the school grounds that day was Neil Gardner, an armed sheriff's deputy who had been policing the school for nearly two years.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hillary Clinton 2016? Be Afraid, Republicans

       CreeKree. Hillary_Clinton_2009. 2007. Tokyo, Japan.  2013
There is almost as much campaign memorabilia being sold in Washington, as there are rumours of Hillary Clinton possibly running for president in 2016. John Kerry, nominated last week as her successor as secretary of state, will be confirmed by the Senate in mid-January, leaving the option wide open for Clinton to start constructing her battle for the presidency. And, after her winning term in Barack Obama's administration, why not? She definitely hasn't said no as of yet, particularly since she's currently polling strong as the most favoured politician in the country. Four years is still a long time but at this early point in time, with the Republican Party in chaos and disapproval, Hillary seems like the one to defeat.