Monday, May 6, 2013

Sarah Palin Blasts President Obama And Media At NRA Convention In Houston

Remember when Sarah Palin used a 7-Eleven Big Gulp as a prop to mock Bloomberg’s ban on large sized soft drinks during the CPAC? This time, at the NRA event she displayed a pack of cigarettes to make fun of the Mayor’s call for banning store displays of tobacco products.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and her fellow Republican politicians addressed the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston on Friday, celebrating the defeat of gun legislation in the Senate. In her speech, Palin attacked President Barack Obama, New York’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, stating that gun control measures are only an attempt to reduce all personal freedoms. Palin accused Obama and other gun control supporters of manipulating voters and “exploiting emotion for their own agenda” as a result of the Newtown Connecticut shootings.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said, “We must do everything we can to stop violent crime.” Cruz accused the Obama administration of not doing enough to impeach convicts and fugitives who try to buy guns. He also challenged V.P. Joe Biden to an hour-long debate on how to stop crime. Just a couple of weeks ago, the NRA succeeded when the Senate rejected an amendment sponsored by Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Pat Toomey who had been given NRA support in their past campaigns. Even though most Republican senators opposed the Manchin-Toomey amendment, three GOP senators did vote for it while five Democrats refrained, including a couple that are preparing for re-election next year, Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska.

We think this is an issue that American citizens should be voting on—not just the senate. If 90% of Americans want strict gun laws, then it should go without saying that those laws should be passed without the threat of a filibuster. What is the harm in having background checks when purchasing firearms? It’s no more incriminating than having a background check when applying for government employment, (or any employment for that matter). Registering guns is comparable to registering your vehicle. Should the government put a ban on registering vehicles since it infringes a person’s privacy?

Family members look at hand guns at the George R. Brown Convention Center, the site for the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Houston, Texas on May 4, 2013. Organizers expect some 70,000 attendees at the 142nd NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Houston, which began on Friday and continues through Sunday. REUTERS/Adrees Latif

A main problem that surrounds gun laws in America isn’t necessarily the Constitution itself, but rather, people who simply are not clever enough to interpret it the way that it was originally designed to be interpreted. However, that being said, the American Constitution was adopted in 1791, that is, 222 years ago. It’s about time that it has a few updates and that some of the Amendments are modernized. Republicans are clearly afraid that this is just opening the floodgates for firmer gun laws, when really, they should be getting on board with Obama and embracing a safer America.